Fasting has many lessons and benefits for the health of body, peace of soul, and beauty. When fasting, the organs of the body can rest and billions of cells in the body can raise themselves to survive. Fasting serves as a detoxification to remove dirt, toxins / poisons from the body, rejuvenate the body cells and replace cells that have been damaged with new ones and to improve the function of hormones, making the skin healthier and increase endurance because humans have the ability natural therapies.
Fasting can make the skin a fresh, healthy, soft, and radiant. Because, every time the body has energy metabolism, namely the change events of the energy contained in the nutrients into potential energy in the body. The rest will be stored in the body, kidney cells, skin cells, and eyelids as well as fat and glycogen.
Humans have the energy reserves, which is called glycogen. Energy reserves may last for 25 hours. This nutrient reserves which at times will be burned into energy, if the body does not get food supplies. When fasting, the energy reserves stored in body organs removed, so the relief of respiratory organs, as well as storage cells. This is called cell rejuvenation. By rejuvenating the body's cells, it is useful to boost immunity and health of our body and skin. Therefore, someone who often fasted, the skin will look fresher, healthier, soft, and radiant, because the process of rejuvenation of the cells in the body running well.
Some scientists have done some research on fasting, including briefly below :
1. Allan Cott, MD, an expert from the United States, has brought together the results of observation and research scientists various countries, and then compiled in a book "Why Fast", reveal a variety of lessons from fasting, among others :
a. To feel better physically and mentally
b. To look and feel younger
c. To clean out the body
d. To lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels
e. To get more out of sex
f. To let the body health it self
g. To relieve tension
h. To sharp the senses
i. To gain control of oneself
j. To slow the aging process
2. Dr. Yuri Nikolayev, director of the diet on a Psychiatric Hospital of Moscow judge, the ability to fast causing the person to be ageless, as a discovery (science), the largest this century. Yuri said : what do you think is the most important discovery in our time? The radioactive watches? Exocet bombs? In my opinion the bigest discovery of our time is the ability to make onself younger phisically, mentally and spiritually through rational fasting.
3. Alvenia M. Fulton, Director of the Institute of Healthy Food "Flutonia", the United States declared : fasting is the ladies best beautifier, it brings grace charm and poice, it normalizes female functions and reshapes the body contour
4. Riyad Ahmed Elkadi Albiby and said, Fasting may boost immunity or the immune system against various diseases. Indicated by increased function of lymph cells that produce T lymphocytes, is significantly increased after fasting.
5. Sulimami said that for diseases such as diabetes, Ramadan fasting will not be harmful, in fact provides many benefits. (Sulimami, and others, 1988: 549-552)
6. Jalal Saour argued, reduced the liquid in the fasting will lower the heart rate, prevention of blood clotting, including the cause of serious heart disease. (Jalal, Riyad, 1990)
7. Muzam MG, MN Ali and Hussain argues, fasting is safe for patients who have disorders of the stomach ulcer. Research conducted by Muzam MG, MN Ali and Hussain in the observation of the effects of Ramadan fasting on gastric acid.
8. M. Elson Haas M.D. Director of the Medical Center of Marin (since 1984) says, in fasting (cleansing and detoxification) is part of a trilogy of nutrients, balancing, building (toning). Elson believes that fasting is the missing piece, the "missing link" in the diet in the western world. Most people in the west over eating or eating too much, eating excessive protein, excessive fat anyway. So he suggested that others began to arrange the food to be more balanced and start fasting, because fasting is useful as: purification, rejuvenation, rest the digestive organs, anti-aging, reduce allergies, weight loss, detoxification, mental and emotional relaxation, changing habits of poor eating habits became more balanced and more controlled, increase body immunity. and better yet if in a doctor's supervision. Fasting can cure diseases such as Influeza, bronchitis, diarrhea, constipation, food allergies, asthma, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cancer, epilepsy, back pain, mental pain, angina pectoris (chest pain due to heart), heat and insomnia.
That was a little known fact about fasting, there are many more facts, but it will be very long if all mentioned here.
Since ancient times used fasting as the best treatment as Plato said that fasting is to treat the physical and mental illness. Philippus Paracelsus said that "Fasting is the greatest remedy the physician within"
Fasting has been recognized to be the greatest healer in menanggulagi disease, even in America there is the center of fasting called "Fasting Center International, Inc.", Director Dennis Paulson who has since established 35 years ago, with patients from 220 countries. Fasting in which recommends :
(1) weight loss program,
(2) removing body toxins,
(3) fasting can improve energy, mental health, physical health and most importantly improve the quality of life
Since ancient times used fasting as the best treatment as Plato said that fasting is to treat the physical and mental illness. Philippus Paracelsus said that "Fasting is the greatest remedy the physician within"
Fasting has been recognized to be the greatest healer in menanggulagi disease, even in America there is the center of fasting called "Fasting Center International, Inc.", Director Dennis Paulson who has since established 35 years ago, with patients from 220 countries. Fasting in which recommends :
(1) weight loss program,
(2) removing body toxins,
(3) fasting can improve energy, mental health, physical health and most importantly improve the quality of life
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